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Dr. Zamani announced on departure to the World Expo Dubai, Simultaneously:
The construction of Iranian pavilion at Expo Dubai is 70% completed
Dr. Zamani visited the pavilion of our country on the sidelines of his trip to the expo meeting, and was informed about the progress of the construction of this national structure completely.
 12:27 - 06/05/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
Economic diplomacy by an exhibition method
Dr. Zamani traveled to the UAE to meet and negotiate with the Secretary General of the World Exhibitions Association (BIE) and the Commissioner General and officials of other countries at the World Expo Summit.
 13:48 - 05/05/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
The third policy council meeting of the Islamic Republic of Iran Solo Exhibition in Armenia was held
The third policy council meeting of the Islamic Republic of Iran Solo Exhibition in Armenia was held in the Isfahan Hall of the Tehran International Permanent Fairground on Monday, May 3, 2021.
 17:42 - 03/05/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
Iran looks for strong presence in the solo exhibition of Armenia in cooperation with the Presidential Institution
Sunday, Apr 25, 2021; a meeting was held in the Innovation and Prosperity Fund of the Presidential Institution with the aim of introducing and consulting the Armenian market by focus on the solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia and facilitate the presence of knowledge-based companies in this exhibition.
 19:11 - 25/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
Dr. Hassan Zamani Met and talked with the Minister of International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates and Director General of Expo 2020 Dubai
Adviser to the Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran international Exhibitions Company, Dr. Hassan Zamani Has traveled to the UAE as the head of the technical staff and experts group to visit the pavilion of our country at Expo 2020 Dubai and met with the Minister of International Cooperation of the UAE and Director General of Expo 2020 Dubai, Ms. Reem Ebrahim Hashemi on Thursday, April 15, 2021.
 08:32 - 15/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
Dr. Zamani met the charge d"affaires of Iranian embassy in the United Arab Emirates
Advisor to the Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Zamani, traveled to the UAE on Wednesday, 14 April, 2021 and met with the Chargé daffaires of Iranian Embassy in the UAE, and members of the Board of the Council of Businessmen based in the UAE, Dr. Hosseini.
 22:42 - 14/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
Dr. Zamani visited the construction progress of Iranian pavilion in Expo Dubai
Wednesday, 14 April 2021; during a visit by the Advisor to the Minister of Industry - Mines and Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company Dr. Zamani, and his accompanying delegation examined the construction progress of the Iranian Pavilion on Expo Dubai, so, the delegation of our country was closely informed about the physical progress of the structure of the Iranian pavilion at the Expo Dubai 2020.
 19:37 - 14/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
Dr. Zamani emphasized on using the capacities of Fars Province in Expo 2020 Dubai
Managing Director of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company emphasized the most glorious presence of provinces of the country, especially Fars Province, in the Dubai Expo during a meeting that was held on today, 11 April 2021 in Tehran International Permanent Fairground.
 14:22 - 11/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
The 84th meeting of Iran Expo Committee was held with the aim of better cooperation by the mining industry and the Iranology Foundation
The 84th meeting of Iran Expo Committee was held with the presence of the board members, deputies and managers of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company and also members of the Iran Expo Committee and also the officials of Iran Mining House (Mr. Bahraman and Ms. Rokni) and the Iranology Foundation (Mr. Forouzan and Mr. Shafi) in order to review the content program of the Mining House and the proposals which were sent by the Iranology Foundation, in the Isfahan Hall at the Tehran International Permanent Fairground.
 18:31 - 10/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>
The second policy council meeting of the Armenia Solo - Specialized Exhibition was held
The second policy council meeting of the Armenia Solo - Specialized Exhibition was held in Isfahan Hall at the Tehran International Permanent Fairground on today 10 April 2021.
 18:11 - 10/04/2021 - Comments : 0More >>

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