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News > 164 Iranian companies will participate in the Islamic Republic of Iran Solo Exhibition in Syria

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Dr. Zamani stated:

164 Iranian companies will participate in the Islamic Republic of Iran Solo Exhibition in Syria

The press conference of the second solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria was held.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (IIEC PR), Press conference about holding the second solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria was held in Isfahan Hall, in Tehran International permanent Fairground on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021, with the presence of Advisor to the Minister of Industry - Mine and Trade, Chairman  of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions company, Dr. Hassan Zamani and other officials and media groups.

- Demonstrating the capabilities of domestic companies

Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company stated: "This event is considered as a special opportunity to establish trade exchanges and conclude contracts between Iranian and foreign companies". He also said that: "Iranian companies have very good advantages and their capabilities will be exhibited at this important event".

Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company also stated: "Some officials from Iran and Syria as like Iranian Minister of Industry – Mine & Trade, Dr. Fatemi Amin; Deputy Minister of Industry – Mine & Trade and Chairman of the Trade Promotion Organization of IRAN Dr. Peyman Pak and the Syrian Minister of Economy and Trade will be present at the opening ceremony of this exhibition.

Dr. Zamani in another part of his speech pointed out that the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company is currently working in three independent economic fields and added: "The largest international exhibition (Expo 2020 Dubai) is currently being held which the Iranian pavilion is very active there and it has been selected as one of the top two pavilions. On the other hand; we have held good exhibitions in Germany and Sulaymaniyah-Iraq".

- The Government strong steps for job creation

Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company continued: "We proud that we can do our duty in the field of job creation in line with the new plans of the government, by trying to keeping the exhibition industry active".

Dr. Zamani in response to a question regarding the presence of knowledge-based companies in the solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria stated: "The Vice President on Science and Technology has also made some plans for a large presence of knowledge-based companies in this great event so; we will see the innovations of knowledge-based companies too".

It is noteworthy that the 2nd Solo Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria will be held from 29 November to 3 December 2021 in Damascus.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

17:19 - 03/11/2021    /    Number : 2748    /    Show Count : 719

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