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* Appointment *

Appointment of the Iranian Headquarter Secretary of Expo 2020 Dubai – UAE

-According to the Reporting by‌ Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.Iran International Exhibitions ‌Company:

Mr. Aria Majidi was appointed to the Iranian Headquarter Secretary of Expo 2020 Dubai – UAE by a statement which is issued by ‌Member of the board and Administrator of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company, Mr. Abbas Ghobadi.

Mr. Ghobadi states on a part of this announcement:

Mr. Aria Majidi

You will be appointed on the Iranian Headquarter Secretary of Expo 2020 Dubai – UAE, due to the knowledge and experience on holding the Iranian pavilion on China, Italy and Kazakhstan EXPOs.

We hope that you will make the necessary efforts on establishing the Iranian pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai and provide a continuous report on its progress to us.

Good Luck 

15:56 - 15/11/2018    /    Number : 1446    /    Show Count : 3389

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