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News > Commercial counselor of the Austrian Embassy: We are looking for holding the joint exhibitions with Iran

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Commercial counselor of the Austrian Embassy: We are looking for holding the joint exhibitions with Iran

-According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company; Commercial counselor of the Austrian Embassy‌, Mr. Christoph Grabmayer‌‌ attended on a meeting with‌ the Administrator of the Islamic Republic of IRAN International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Bahman Hosseinzadeh.

"Some exhibitions like OIL and GAS, IRAN HEALTH and IRAN FOOD; ‌which held in Iran; are so attractive for the Austrian traders‌ and also Austrian companies have been active in these exhibitions over the past years", Grabmayer said.

He also referred to the variety of exhibition sites in Tehran and said that: "Due to the infrastructure and the location of the I.R.IRAN ‌International Exhibitions Company in the heart of Tehran, we would prefer to hold most of the exhibitions at this center because this site has a special attractiveness for the audience, organizers and visitors

The Commercial Counselor of the Austrian Embassy also ‌pointed out that there are major companies in his country which are organizing exhibitions in Austria and other countries so‌ it would be ‌ possible to organize a joint exhibition by the I.R.IRAN ‌International Exhibitions Company as the Iranian government representative and the Austrian counterpart in Iran‌.

12:58 - 14/01/2019    /    Number : 1500    /    Show Count : 3385

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