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The exhibition of the production leap and the achievements in confronting Coronavirus has kicked off

The exhibition of the production leap and the achievements in confronting coronavirus started today afternoon with the presence of 150 local and knowledge based companies in Tehran fair complex.


Per as the Iran International public relations , the first exhibition of the year (Solar calendar ) finally started with the presence of Mr. Bahman Hossein Zade, Ph.d. -the CEO of Iran International exhibition company.This exhibition is the first exhibition in the last four months.


Mr.Hossein Zsade pointed out to the four-month break torun Exhibitions in Iran and said: “this exhibition is being run with the close observation of national headquarters of administrating Covid-19 and practicing four confirmed protocols.There are 150 local and knowledge based companies presenting their latest productions and achievements in four days.


He indicated that due to the fact of practicing social distancing measurement the visit for the public is not allowed and only the experts with invitations are permitted to visit the fair .In additions , international business consultants and ambassadors have been invited to pay a visit  to get familiar with Iran Capabilities and achievements in the field of confronting coronavirus.However,concerning the matter of public visit ,he mentioned that it is fortunately possible to have the virtual visit to this fair.

The CEO of Iran International Co. said :”This exhibition may have a remarkable role to pave the ground to develop export as well as domestic market .”Hence , we have tried to display all achievements of local companies ,army and Islamic Revolution Guards corps(IRGC).


Mr. Hossein Zade added that The Army has a separate hall to display their achievements in the fair . Besides, knowledge based companies have been offered 50 per cent discount to present their achievements with the lowest possible costs.As he was asked about the possibilities of having more exhibitions in this year , he replied”per as the meeting held on June 9th 2020 with the representatives of security committee,National headquarters of administrating Covid-19 and deputy health minister

,all exhibitions of this year are supposed to be held on their calendar dates without public visit. Therefor, our next exhibition is the exhibition of Door and Window -which is supposed to be held on July 2nd 2020. According to Mr.Hossein Zade , as there are 33 thousands active related businesses to exhibition industry ,there is no way to call it off for good ;thus we need to practice the protocols to resume the activities.


Mr.Hosseinzade ended and referred to the talk conducted by the Supreme Leader concerning the local production support and the year of production Leap and said :” per as the comprehensive instructions issued by the administrator of the ministry of industry ,the fair of “ domestically produced goods ” is to be held on the first half of July in order to support the domestic made products which used to be imported .He continued that Iran International exhibition is apparently ready to hold the above-mentioned exhibitions on their specific dates .In additions, the booths which have been designed for the exhibition of production leap and the achievements in confronting coronavirus are supposed to remain untouched for future exhibitions.

19:22 - 13/06/2020    /    Number : 2177    /    Show Count : 1923

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