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The contents of hygienic protocols for Exhibition Organizers have been institutionalized

The meeting to negotiate the hygienic protocols for Exhibition industry was held at Iran International exhibition center .

Per as the public relations of Iran international Exhibition Co., this meeting was held with the presence of top seniors of Iran International Exhibition company , Seniors of International exhibition organizer association ,Booth designers ,exhibition site maintainers  and organizers ,and the director of Environmental and occupational health center .
Per as the report, at the beginning of the meeting the secretary and the member of policy concise pointed out to the arrangements made by the council and said :“upon the outbreak of Coronavirus in Iran and when all exhibition centers were closed, this council started its activity with its active members of the top seniors of Iran International exhibition company and the top seniors of private sector council and to the presidency of Mr.Hosseinzade Ph.D. to approve and submit the related hygienic instructions  in order to synergize the sites and synchronize exhibitions to protect and maintain the health of the attendees.” He added: “there are two major arrangements which were conducted by the council 1. To prioritize the names of exhibition related businesses among the ones which have been affected by Coronavirus .2.to edit the health and hygienic protocols for exhibition industry “.
Mr.Amoli said that the list of affected occupations have been arranged and submitted to the trade union of Industry, Mining and Trade Organization in order to get banking facilities. He also added that the most prominent arrangement made by the council was to prepare the exhibition hygiene and health protocols which includes the major section of this industry such as the attendees ,visitors and site maintainers 
He said that per as the follow-ups and holding numerous series of meetings, the protocols have been approved by the ministry of health and medical education .He mentioned that yesterday meeting was to institutionalize the contents of the protocols for the organizers . 
Based on the report ,Mr. Golami , the head of health of food and sanitation of public places pointed out to the effective arrangements made by Exhibition company and said :”there are some arrangements made by Exhibition Company which are above the contents ; therefore per as such  accuracy ,there have not been any challenges to run and organize the exhibitions.”

13:59 - 15/07/2020    /    Number : 2203    /    Show Count : 1867

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