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The necessity and expected achievements of participating in Expo 2020 were explained;

Message of Iran for peace and friendship to the entire world at Expo 2020 Dubai

Dr. Zamani on the sidelines of the 5th meeting of the National Committee of the Dubai Expo emphasized that this global event can lead to reputation, pride and prosperity on the economic and cultural fields.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations & International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Hassan Zamani emphasized and confirmed the powerful and effective presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the international arenas for explaining the necessity of participating in the Dubai Expo 2020, and said that:" the effective presence in this event (The World Expo) will further disturb the crude dream of our enemies of the revolution to isolate the Islamic Republic of Iran."

He added: "Iran Pavilion in this international event will be a base for disseminating Iranian-Islamic teachings and will contain the message of peace, friendship and tranquility on all over the world, so, in order to achieve this goal; we have tried to use all visual elements to better present and convey for this message."

The Advisor to the Minister of Industry, Mine & Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company added: "The idea of ​​holding international exhibitions is for better and more cultural, economic and social relations of the world nations and this idea is anti-threat and sanctions inherently and recognize & accept all nations rights of the world. Expo as an international exhibition, which is considered as the most important and popular global event after the Olympic and Football World Cup; so , it was originally designed to establish solidarity and the rule of interaction and tolerance through the countries of the world, like the idea of ​​organizing the United Nations."

He referred to the cruel sanctions from the enemies of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and also according to the command of our Supreme Leader to stand wisely and bravely against the heinous actions of our enemies and noted: "Attending this exhibition and creating opportunities to supply local products and the efforts to attract foreign investments corresponds to the major goals of the holy system of the Islamic Republic and it is a diagram to show the inefficiency of enemies efforts about our government and the Islamic Revolution too."

Dr. Zamani stated: "Showing attractive and different faces of Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the goals and necessities of participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, so, if this goal is achieved; we will see the presence of foreign investors in Iran and increase economic relations with local products manufacturers undoubtedly."

The Commissar General of Iran in the Expo, Dr. Zamani asked for the cooperation and synergy of all relevant organizations to make a successful participation of Iran in this event and called Expo 2020 as an "Economic and Cultural Olympic" that can lead to reputation, pride and prosperity on the economic and cultural fields.

He also noted that: "we will plan for holding regular meetings of the National Expo Committee, inviting the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to attend to the Iran National Day at Expo 2020 Dubai and also other issues such as Iranophobia and Iranology well."

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

13:36 - 10/03/2021    /    Number : 2459    /    Show Count : 870

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