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Iran looks for strong presence in the solo exhibition of Armenia in cooperation with the Presidential Institution

Sunday, Apr 25, 2021; a meeting was held in the Innovation and Prosperity Fund of the Presidential Institution with the aim of introducing and consulting the Armenian market by focus on the solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia and facilitate the presence of knowledge-based companies in this exhibition.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company, in this webinar meeting that was held by the presence of the Ambassador of our country to Armenia, Dr. Zohuri; Head of the Iran-Armenia Joint Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Hervik Yarijanian; Manager of the Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company and Project Manager of the Solo Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia, Mr. Amoli and also the former Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy in Armenia, Mr. Rahimi to discuss and exchange issues and addressed the participants and describe that how to hold the exclusive exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran as coherently as possible.

In this meeting, Iranian Ambassador to Armenia, Dr. Zohouri said: "We should try to hold a worthy exhibition to show the dignity of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the presence of capable and export-oriented companies, so that we can show industrial, manufacturing and trade capabilities of our country.”

Head of the Iran-Armenia Joint Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Hervik Yarijanian announced the readiness of the Iran-Armenia Chamber of Commerce to prepare the business meetings in this exhibition and help to fill these meetings as much as possible too.

Mr. Amoli as the Project Manager of the Solo Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia pointed out in this meeting that: “This exhibition will be held in the fields of technology and construction, energy, cosmetics, health and detergent by the presence of knowledge-based companies and industrial towns, so in this regard We will be organized a different solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia by forming special pavilions.”

He also mentioned that the opening ceremony of this exhibition with the presence of Iranian & Armenian businessmen and officials and holding some events including B2B meetings with the presence of business delegations are considered as the peripheral programs of this exhibition.

The former Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy in Armenia, Mr. Rahimi also explained the advantages of the product groups of Iranian companies which are participating in this exhibition and provided an explanation for better understanding of investment opportunities in Armenia.

It is Noteworthy that, Iran and Armenia have had extensive trade and cultural relations for a long time. In this regard, Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company will organize the solo exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Yerevan - Armenia on June 10 - 13, 2021 with the presence of businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and exporters of our country.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

19:11 - 25/04/2021    /    Number : 2495    /    Show Count : 763

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