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The third policy council meeting of the Islamic Republic of Iran Solo Exhibition in Armenia was held

The third policy council meeting of the Islamic Republic of Iran Solo Exhibition in Armenia was held in the Isfahan Hall of the Tehran International Permanent Fairground on Monday, May 3, 2021.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company ( IIEC PR ), in this meeting that was attended by the Deputy of Exhibition Affairs, Mr. Ghanbari; Manager of the Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company & the Project Manager of the I.R.IRAN Solo Exhibition in Armenia, Mr. Amoli; and also presence by some representatives of IRAN Trade Promotion Organization ( TPO ), Iran-Armenia Chamber of Commerce, Iran International Exhibitions Organizers Association ( IEOA ), Ministry of Energy and other officials, managers and participants, issues and subjects which related to this exhibition were reviewed and discussed.

At the beginning of this meeting, a report about the actions which were taken by the members of the meeting was presented and then the schedule of business and B2B meetings was prepared so, it was decided that the relevant schedules must be prepared by the representatives of the participating companies too. The presence of Bank Mellat, Export Guarantee Fund of IRAN ( EGFI ) and the I.R.IRAN Customs Administration ( IRICA ) representatives were also confirmed.

Due to the report of the first pioneer group that was sent to Armenia last week about the heterogeneity of the booth construction equipment and the lack of facilities; it was decided that the booth construction equipment and supplies would be supplied and equipped by the private sector and sent from Iran to Armenia.

Inauguration and lunching the exhibition on time, planning to set up the ancillary events as like holding meetings with officials, authorities and businessmen, and also forming a follow-up committee for the Iran-Armenia Joint Economic Cooperation Commission to help and facilitate the process of holding this exhibition are considered as the other decisions were made at this meeting. It was also decided that government officials and the private sector authorities of the two countries would be present on the opening day of this exhibition, so; In order to better organizing for holding this exhibition, the time of departure of the exhibition goods to Armenia was determined, therefore, the goods could be sent to this country according to a precise and specific schedule, so that the process of goods clearance and delivery and placing them in the booths would not be disrupted.

It is also worth mentioning that knowledge-based companies and industrial towns will be located on the separate pavilions in this exhibition and the presence of companies that have competitive and economic advantages will be prioritized too.

It is noteworthy that the Islamic Republic of IRAN Solo Exhibition in Armenia will be held in Yerevan Expo Center at the capital city of Armenia on June 10 - 13, 2021.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

17:42 - 03/05/2021    /    Number : 2505    /    Show Count : 692

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