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Active presence of Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran in Expo 2020 Dubai

During a meeting, which was attended by the Adviser to the Minister of Industry - Mines and Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Zamani and, Deputy Minister of Economy and President of the Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran, Dr. Mousavi and also the middle managers of these two organizations, the strategies of mutual cooperation in order to have a strong presence in Expo 2020 Dubai were discussed.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company (IIEC PR), in this meeting, which was held on the content of the Economic Committee; it was decided that investment packages be presented in Persian and English, and also a place in the pavilion of our country in Expo 2020 will be provided for the Organization of Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran so this organization can organize useful and numerous meetings in order to attract investors and can use the appropriate opportunity of this global event to attract maximize capital foreign exchange and increase the efficiency of foreign investment in the country.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

13:47 - 17/05/2021    /    Number : 2530    /    Show Count : 665

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