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News > First symposium on economic and trade relations with the Syrian Arab Republic was held

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First symposium on economic and trade relations with the Syrian Arab Republic was held

The solutions for expanding economic and trade relations with the Syrian Arab Republic were examined during the meeting that was held in the Persian Gulf Hall in Tehran International Permanent Fairground.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (I.I.E.C PR), in this meeting which was attended by the Advisor to the Minister of Industry - Mines & Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Zamani; Secretary of the Iran-Syria Joint Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Mirzaei and other officials and staffs of this field, with the aim of thinking and consulting economic and trade relations with the Syrian Arab Republic by the approach of effective participation in the 62nd Syria-Damascus International Trade Fair Issues related to the presence and facilitation of trade between the two countries, as well as methods and strategies for entering the Syrian trade market were discussed in the form of questions and answers.

It is noteworthy that the 62nd International Trade Fair of Syria will be held in Damascus from 25th August to 3rd September 2021 in the exhibition center of this city.

It is worth mentioning that, this meeting was held in full compliance with the health protocols, using 30% of the capacity of the hall for the audience and communication with the other guests by using the webinar.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

13:26 - 01/06/2021    /    Number : 2551    /    Show Count : 660

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