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Management of Iran Pavilion in Expo 2020 is a successful symbol of cooperation and interaction between the public and private sectors in the country

I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company and the Iran-UAE Chamber of Commerce held a joint press conference about the Expo with the aim of quantitatively and qualitatively improving the content of the Iranian pavilion.

Sunday, 27 Jun 2021; According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (I.I.E.C PR), the meeting to introduce the economic and trade opportunities of the Expo 2020  was held in the Morvarid Hall (Pearl Hall) in the Tehran International Permanent Fairground attended by Advisor to the Minister of Industry - Mines and Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Zamani; Chairman of the Iran-UAE Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Farzanegan and members of the Media & Press.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Zamani, stated that the Expo is an exceptional opportunity to show the capacities and capabilities of our country.

Advisor to the Minister of Industry - Mines and Trade said the I.R.IRAN government will transfer soon and perhaps, Expo 2020 is the biggest project on economic, commercial, political and cultural subjects for the next government.

He added that the slogan of Expo 2020 Dubai is (Connecting minds and creating Future),"For the first time and since 170 years age, we are witnessing for holding an expo in the Middle East and North Africa," he said.

He also noted to the importance of the expo and added: "About 200 countries will participate in this great international event.”

Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company predicted: “The Expo will have at least 25 million visitors during the six months which about 70 to 75 % of this visitors will come from outside the region.”

He referred to the three zones in Expo as opportunity- mobility and sustainability and clarified: “in the ​​opportunity zone; Countries demonstrate their producing and industrial capabilities and take advantage of this opportunity to expand their relations with other countries. In the ​​mobility zone; the most advanced technology and products of the participants will be exhibited and the countries will show their economic development, and in the sustainability zone, emphasizes on sustainable development and environmental protection.”

Dr. Zamani also said that during the Covid 19 Virus epidemic, tourism industries suffered more than 1.2 Billion dollars in damage. This event provides an opportunity for countries to introduce tourist attractions, and also for Iran due to its historical attractions because our country is ranked tenth in historical attractions and ranked fifth in natural attractions in the world. So, It can be used for maximum historical, cultural and tourist attractions.

Referring to the construction costs of the pavilions of the countries which are present at the Expo, Dr. Zamani said: "The highest cost of construction of the pavilions is $ 200 million but the pavilion of our country that is selected as one of the 8 most beautiful pavilions built by only $ million."

He continued: "Despite receiving only 10 percent of this amount and financial transfer problems, over 85 percent of the pavilion construction of our country has finished which will be completed on August.”

Referring to the economic discussion of the expo, Dr. Zamani added: “We have prepared a good package in order to attract foreign investors for at least to thousand projects which are ready for investment in our country.”

He also mentioned the holding of B2B meetings between Iranian businessmen and businessmen of other countries as one of the programs of the expo and pointed to the advantages of our country in the field of oil, gas, petrochemical, steel, copper and other industries and continued that we should pay attention to take advantage of this opportunity; and certainly the economic sector will be one of the most active sectors we consider in this global event.

At the end, Dr. Zamani said: "In the cultural and social discussion, we have held various meetings; we have taken 50 other points in common places in addition to the pavilion place of our country so we can perform cultural and artistic programs in these places.”

At the continuation of this meeting, Chairman of the Iran-UAE Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Farzanegan gave a report about the aims, contexts and conditions of the Iran presence in the expo.

"According to the plans made by 2025, the level of trade and economic relations between Iran and the UAE will increase to $ 20 billion and after five years it might be reach to $ 30 billion." Dr. Farzanegan said in this meeting.

He continued: "Getting to know ethnic groups and tourist attractions, showing scientific, commercial and industrial achievements, as well as expanding trade and economic exchanges are considered as important goals of the countries at the Expo.”

Chairman of the Iran and the UAE Chamber of Commerce continued: “displaying the scientific achievements, presenting the economic, manufacturing, tourism potentials, holding B2B meetings and marketing for the products are the most important goals of Iran presence at the Expo.”

Referring to the actions of the Iran-UAE Chamber of Commerce, he stated: “The Iran-UAE Joint Chamber of Commerce has taken steps in this direction, for example, various provincial conferences have been held, and we will have another conference in Shiraz next week.”

Dr. Farzanegan also further suggested: “Co Barkat Anti-Corona Vaccine can be introduced at the Expo.”

He said that: “export organizations, chambers of commerce and joint chambers can introduce their products in the form of films and multimedia content with the limited presence of company representatives.”

In response to a question about the expectations from the new government to increase relations with the UAE, he said: "One of our most important expectations as the Iran-UAE Chamber of Commerce, in addition to concluding the Vienna talks and developing trade interactions to other countries due to the necessity of interaction with neighbors in Asia, Africa and etc. we should also pay special attention to the African market. The Expo is a good opportunity to introduce the product in order to expand exports to Africa. The new government must pay attention to exports to increase employment too.”

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

15:22 - 27/06/2021    /    Number : 2586    /    Show Count : 907

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