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News > Plan to achieve $ 100 billion in non-oil exports at Expo 2020 Dubai

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Commissioner General of Iran at the Expo, Dr. Hassan Zamani announced:

Plan to achieve $ 100 billion in non-oil exports at Expo 2020 Dubai

The Dubai Expo 2020 press conference was held in the presence of the Commissioner General of Iran at the Expo, Dr. Hassan Zamani; President of the Iran-UAE Joint Chamber, Mr. Farshid Farzanegan and President of the Mining House, Mr. Mohammad Reza Bahraman and also members of the media at the Isfahan Hall on the Tehran International Permanent Fairground.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (I.I.E.C PR), Dr. Zamani stated in this meeting that in the coming days we will witness the opening of the largest political, economic, social and cultural event in the world with the presence of 198 countries; He added: "We will see a great competition between the countries which present at this event."

The Managing director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company presented a report on the construction of the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the expo and said: "Despite all financial difficulties, we completed the pavilion construction of our country at Expo Dubai within 8 months."

He added: “The pavilion of our country has been built with the lowest cost among 198 countries, but it has been selected as one of the top eight pavilions of the Expo 2020 Dubai countries, and Minister of Industry – Mine & Trade will inaugurate the Iranian pavilion via video conference on 1st October."

Referring to Iran most important plans to attend the Expo; the Iranian Commissar General at the Dubai Expo stated: "Increasing non-oil exports by $ 100 billion and attracting foreign investors for domestic projects will be among our most important programs at this event."

Dr. Zamani stated: "Every week, a province unveils its capabilities and capacities. Also, a carpet hanger will be installed by Iran at the Expo 2020 exhibition called the Empathy Knot for Peace. Every participant who enters the Iranian pavilion will be supervised by a person who master in carpet and knotted on this carpet so, this carpet is completed with these knots during 6 months and is presented to the Expo Museum."

Based on the presence of private and public companies in the expo, Dr. Zamani said: "We will see maximum participation of large public and private companies in the sectors of industry, mining, tourism, handicrafts, carpets, oil, energy and knowledge based companies."

Advisor to the Minister of Industry – Mine & Trade, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company, Dr. Hassan Zamani announced the Director of Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company, Mr. Hamid Reza Amoli as the spokesperson of the Islamic Republic of Iran pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai at the end of this media conference too.

Chairman of the Iran-UAE Joint Chamber and Head of the Expo Committee of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Farshid Farzanegan continued the meeting by announcing a 20 to 25 percent increase in Iran-UAE trade in this year compared to last year and emphasized: “We are looking for an active economic diplomacy in the Expo 2020 Dubai event.”

The head of the Mining House, Mr. Mohammad Reza Bahraman also said in this press conference of Dubai Expo 2020: "We have prepared the mining sector of our country based on the slogan of Expo 2020 and our team includes three departments: design, engineering and construction." He considered the presentation of content production at the Dubai Expo 2020 as the most important factor for presenting the capacities and capabilities of the country and said: " A team of six people from Sharif, Shahid Beheshti and ‌other universities are working on content production in Dubai Currently."

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

19:22 - 28/09/2021    /    Number : 2689    /    Show Count : 2277

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