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Dubai Expo started officially / Middle East hosts the entire world

The world most important exhibition event inaugurated in the United Arab Emirates officially; with the presence of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (I.I.E.C PR), Dubai Expo 2020, as one of the most expensive cultural-economic events in the world, has been launched for 6 months.

The opening ceremony of the expo, entitled "Connecting minds ... Creating the Future" and its sub-themes, is inspired by opportunity, mobility and sustainability, and showcases the values ​​of the UAE. The opening ceremony of this event was held in the central dome of the expo town and it is attended by representatives from all over the world.

For the first time, a country from the Middle East region has organized an expo event. The expo was scheduled to take place in October last year, but was delayed by a year due to the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic, according to BIE executives.

The UAE hopes that by holding this exhibition it will overcome the recession and economic problems that became more severe by the outbreak of the corona.

Zayed Al Nahyan, as the Commissar General of the Expo; read a message from the ruler of Dubai, explaining the history of the UAE, its honors and its cultural potential.

In this speech, the Crown Prince of Dubai also called the exhibition as "the gathering of the world in the territory of the UAE" and said that: "This ceremony is a new beginning for economic, social and cultural activities in the world after the outbreak of the corona."

The official melody of Expo Dubai was also played at the event.

The Artists which were performed in this ceremony include world-renowned singer Andrea Bocelli, Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter and Golden Globe winner Eli Golding, English singer-songwriter; Long Lang, an international pianist and big star in the world of music, Angelique Kidjoo which had won four Grammy Awards among top artists.

Expo 2020 application

During the opening ceremony of Expo 2020 Dubai unveiled its two main and commercial applications. The purpose of launching these two applications is to help millions of visitors of this exhibition, who are scheduled to enjoy the collection from tomorrow (October 1, 2021).

The official Expo 2020 app allows users to visit different parts of the exhibition, which is twice the size of Monaco, based on their interests. Also, all matters related to buying tickets, choosing food from more than 200 restaurants and booking the desired booth to visit, can be done by using this official application.

In addition, the business app of the collection meets the needs of business groups individually and facilitates relationships between merchants (B2B), governments with merchants (B2G) and governments with each other (G2G).

The extent of Dubai Expo is about more than 600 football fields and more than 30,000 employees do their affairs in this exhibition voluntarily.

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*Translated by: A.R Shafie

22:04 - 30/09/2021    /    Number : 2694    /    Show Count : 750

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