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Shining of the Iranian handmade carpets in Expo 2020

The knot of peace and empathy was tied in the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Weaving the "Empathy Carpet" began with the presence of senior managers of the Expo headquarters, officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy in the UAE and officials of other countries.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (IIEC PR), the opening ceremony of the sympathy carpet weaving was held in the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the presence of Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Dubai, Dr. Mosaferi; Director of the Iran section in Expo 2020 Dubai, Mr. Omar; Russian Pavilion protocol, Ms. Julia Prom; Deputy Pavilion Director of China Mr. Fang Ke and Secretary General of Japan Pavilion, Ms. Aiko Yabunaka.

Head of the Iran National Carpet Center, Dr. Rafe speech by webinar at the beginning of the meeting and then the guests visited the handmade carpet section of Iran.

Considering the importance and position of Iranian handmade carpets in non-oil exports of the country, the managers of the Islamic Republic of Iran pavilion and the Iran National Carpet Center have prepared special programs to introduce the capacities of this national industry to the world during Expo 2020 Dubai.

It is noteworthy that, visitors of the Islamic Republic of Iran pavilion weave an empathy knot for peace under the supervision of a professional carpet weaver and this carpet will be completed by these knots in 6 months and will be presented to the Expo Museum finally.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

21:17 - 11/10/2021    /    Number : 2721    /    Show Count : 1159

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