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News > UAE Minister of Foreign Trade visited the I.R.IRAN Pavilion in Expo 2020 / Increasing trade exchanges between Iran and the UAE by creating new opportunities

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UAE Minister of Foreign Trade visited the I.R.IRAN Pavilion in Expo 2020 / Increasing trade exchanges between Iran and the UAE by creating new opportunities

Sunday, 19th December 2021; Dr. Thani bin Ahmad Al-Zayudi, Minister of Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates, accompanied by a delegation visited the Iranian pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai.

According to the reporting by the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company (IIEC PR), Minister of Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates, Dr. Thani bin Ahmad Al-Zaydi was welcomed by the current Manager of the Islamic Republic of Iran pavilion, Mr. Alavi.

He emphasized on increasing Iran joint cooperation, in a conversation with officials of the tourism, handicrafts, carpet, mining and commercial sectors while referring to the Iranian capabilities in various economic fields.

Following this visit; the Minister of Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates, while tying the warp and weft of Iranian sympathy carpet, inserted a note of appreciation for the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the memorial notebook.

The text of this note is as bellow:

I am so proud for visiting the Iranian pavilion to experience the culture and get acquainted with the ancient civilization of this country. I wish the best for both countries (IRAN & UAE).

I hope to create new opportunities and continue cooperation, especially in the field of trade.

Welcome to the United Arab Emirates, with best regards.

*Translated by: A.R Shafie

22:30 - 19/12/2021    /    Number : 2877    /    Show Count : 709

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