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Inauguration of the 12th Intl Exhibition of "Iran Plast" in the I.R.IRAN International Permanent Fairground
The 12th Intl Exhibition of "Iran Plast" was inaugurated with the participation of officials and authorities and also enthusiastic persons of this section on Monday 24th September 2018.
 10:28 - 24/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
Inauguration of the 17th Iran Int’l Confectionery Fair in the I.R.IRAN International Permanent Fairground
The 17th Iran International Confectionery Fair (ICF 2018) was inaugurated with the participation of officials and authorities and also enthusiastic persons of this section on Saturday 15th September 2018.
 12:38 - 15/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
Int’l Exhibition concludes in Pakistan with Iran’s presence
Islamabad, Sept 14, A three-day Health Asia International Exhibition and Conference ended in Pakistan’s Karachi with Iran’s presence.
 10:02 - 15/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
The 17th Iran Int’l Confectionery Fair will be held on Tehran International Permanent Fairground
263 domestic companies and 18 foreign companies from 11 countries including Austria, Spain, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Turkey, Russia, China, France, Poland and Malaysia have participated on this exhibition on 32,000 square meters of exhibition space.
 12:09 - 12/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
The Fourth Syria Rebuild Exhibition will be held in Damascus
The 4th Syria Rebuild Exhibition will be held by the participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran on 2 - 6 October 2018 in Damascus.
 10:34 - 12/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
Health Asia Int’l Exhibition kicks off in Pakistan with Iran’s presence
Islamabad, Aug 11, A three-day Health Asia International Exhibition and Conference started in Pakistan’s Karachi with Iran’s presence.
 09:52 - 12/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
This exhibition is for shoes professionals only!
I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company participated on MOS Shoes 2018
The exhibition Mos Shoes is the largest in the industry business platform, uniting all players of the shoe market. For more than 20 years, the exhibitors have become the largest suppliers and manufacturers of footwear, bags, accessories and components, as well as young companies for whom participation in the exhibition is an excellent opportunity to tell about the advantages of their products to the direct target audience.
 11:33 - 11/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
Electra Mining Africa: More Than Just A Show
I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company (IIEC) participates on 46th Electra Mining Africa
For 46 years, Electra Mining Africa has been winning the minds and hearts of mining and related industries. Delivering an effective platform to showcase the latest innovations, technologies and trends, it’s much more than a show – it’s a tradition.
 12:57 - 10/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
Some exhibitions which are held in IIEC were visited by some members of the Islamic parliament
Some members of the Islamic parliament of I.R.IRAN, including Dr. Siavoshi, Dr. Mawfi, Dr. Solahshouri and Dr. Zolghadr, visited the the 9th Int’l Mother, Baby & Child Exhibition (MBC2018) and also the 10th Floor Covering, Moquette, Machine Made Carpet & Related Industries Exhibition; hosted by Mr. Abbas Ghobadi, Member of the Board of Administrator of the Islamic Republic of Iran International Exhibitions Company in Tehran International Permanent Fairground on Sunday, September 18th.
 18:11 - 09/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>
Inauguration of three international exhibitions in Tehran International Permanent Fairground
Three international exhibitions were opened in Tehran International Permanent Fairground by the participation of officials and relevant authorities and also the enthusiastic of each part on Thursday 6th September 2018.
 13:56 - 06/09/2018 - Comments : 0More >>

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