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Exhibition News

Inauguration of The tenth International Exhibition of “IRAN PLAST” in the I.R.IRAN international permanent Fairground
The tenth international exhibition of “IRAN PLAST” was inaugurated with the participation of officials and authorities and also enthusiastic of this section, on this morning, 13th April 2016.
 16:21 - 13/04/2016 - Comments : 0More >>
Inauguration of the eleventh Robo Cup Iran Open 2016 in the I.R.IRAN international permanent Fairground
International competitions of the eleventh Robo Cup Iran Open 2016 were inaugurated with the participation of officials and authorities and also enthusiastic of this section, on this morning, Tuesday 5th April 2016.
 10:39 - 05/04/2016 - Comments : 0More >>

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